
My not-so-first impressions on Fujitsu Graduate Program (or why you should apply ASAP)

It has been almost a year since I applied to Fujitsu’s graduate program, and surprisingly now it´s already more than 9 months since I became part of the team. After all, it is pretty much true when people say that time flies.

It all started with a standard CV + cover letter application that ended up in the nicest group assessment experience I ever had. After all (spoiler alert), it is no every day that you have to build a Lego robot as part of a job interview, or that you have an infinite supply of Haribo as snacks. But, please, be aware: I was panicking before that, just to learn that there was no reason for it at all.

One month later, on the peak of our 2-days Finnish summer, I started at Fujitsu as UX and Design Thinking Graduate. Funny title, huh? So let me explain it: Fujitsu takes human-centred processes quite seriously. It is in our DNA. We even developed our own Human Centric Experience Design (HXD) framework , based on Design Thinking. Knowing that, my role is to make sure that we understand what our clients’ needs are and that we develop the right solutions for them – so I basically ensure that things make sense, you may say. Cool, isn’t it?

Along with me, other 12 graduates joined Fujitsu at the same time, in the 2019 intake. We are spread all over the company, with different responsibilities, backgrounds and experiences, so please keep in mind that this text could bear at least 12 other versions depending on who’s writing it. Other than that, keep in mind an old dream of mine of writing a text in a traditional BuzzFeed style, or “X reasons why you should do Y”, so here we go: six reasons why you should send your application to become a Fujitsu Graduate.

  1. We are global
    The first reason is simple. Fujitsu is present all over across the globe, with thousands of people doing things that we cannot even imagine. It is basically like following 132,000 people on Twitter and try to keep up with what each one of them is doing. Quite impossible, right? While it may seem overwhelming, that is actually a good thing, as you will hardly get bored or repeating the same thing over and over. With so many things going on, it is just a matter of attitude to get involved in those that interest you the most. So if you are looking for infinite possibilities in an international company, you may have those points checked.
  2. Colleagues
    Ok. You understood that we are many. But quality quite often overcomes quantity, in my opinion. I believe that, at the end of the day, those that you work with are a great part of work itself. For this reason, Fujitsu seems to put a great effort in hiring nice and easy-going people. We have colleagues from different countries and a mix of languages all around. Need help with something that is not clear? You will for sure find someone able and open to explain what you need to know. To finish this part, as much as I love drama, I am happy to tell that it is not a part of our routines. Well… Except when we go bowling. But that is out of office hours anyway.
  3. Flexibility
    Ok. Now I mentioned office hours and you may wonder how flexible Fujitsu is when it comes to your time at work. It may change from manager to manager or team to team. Or even person to person. Whatever the case is, I do believe that we can call Fujitsu a flexible place to work at.First, we are not a 9-to-5 company, so people in general are able to do their work when it is more convenient. Early birds or night owls can all find their place here. Secondly, we have several offices spread all over Finland, one possibly near you, and our headquarters in Helsinki are getting a complete and exciting new look later this year. Choose the one office that suits you the best and make it your home, without losing the possibility of working in another one when necessary, or even from your own home! Just keep in mind that this all may change according to your roles, and your physical presence may be more or less necessary in certain circumstances – so if it is important to you, drop a message to your hiring manager to make the possibilities clear.
  4. Time to learn
    As part of the Graduate Program, you will be joining learning modules that are exclusive for Fujitsu Junior Talent (which includes us, Graduates). In these modules, we are invited to develop our team play and leadership skills, whilst learning more about the company (remember all those 132,000 people doing uncountable different things!).During these trainings, we learnt more about Fujitsu culture, the co-creation program and had chance to think (or re-think) the business processes in our areas. We even had courses about emotions, and tips on how to improve our emotional intelligence (best courses, to be honest, as we were spoiled with British candies). Last but definitely not least, you will get in touch with your colleagues from all over Europe and be able to share your experiences with them. Networking is also a very important part of our culture, so be prepared to expand your connection over the learning modules!One more thing: the modules take place throughout the year, both on and offline, and are nicely integrated with your workload. So you don’t need to worry about being overwhelmed. Just get your luggage ready, because you may go off to London and Munich for a couple of days!
  5. Space to try
    One of the things that I heard the most (as part of the Graduate Program) is: it is so great to have new people around. And I know the people saying it really mean it. Fujitsu has a long history regarding innovation, but innovation does not come magically out of nowhere. As part of the company, feel free to express your mind and propose new ways of doing things. Fresh sights are quite good to spot things that we can improve, and new ideas are always welcome. I would say that I am lucky to be part of a team that enjoys trying new approaches (thanks, team!). So whenever you join us, please, speak up your mind and help us keep innovating!
  6. It continues
    So you may have read that the Graduate Program is a two years long programme, and that it is neither an internship, nor a traineeship. But what happens after the two years, then? You graduate, actually. Then that is it – being “it” just the beginning of your journey with us. Just be prepared to continue dedicating yourself to a full-time work routine without a deadline.Now, if this all sounds exciting, please be aware that the applications for this year’s intake is almost over. So why not to use these last days to improve your CV and write down your best motivation letter? The application for the Graduate Program 2020 continue until March 31st, so you would may like to hurry before it is too late.And feel welcome to the graduatean life!
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